Greetings fellow vapers! Time for a hardware review! Today I will be giving you my opinions on the Kanger Protank using a 2.4ohm coil. Here is the official manufacturer's site .
First impressions: I will start by saying that I did not spring for the fancy packaging. I went with the standard paper box model because it came with all the same things. My package included two 2.4 ohm heads. One was pre-installed in the tank and the other was an extra. Upon first inspection I was blown away at how sleek and beautiful this tank is. The pyrex glass used for the actual tank itself was relatively thick and seems as though it will be very durable. The metal segments also seem equally nice, though I will say the 510 connection st the bottom of the tank is a bit fragile. Before I bought my own I personally witnessed a friend of mine break off his 510 threading into his Innokin iTaste MVP after a single drop onto concrete a few days after he got it.
The Performance: The first thing you will notice when taking a draw from this tank is the ease of the pull. The draw is airy and cool unlike many other tanks I have tried. If you don't want a cooler vapor or desire a tighter draw you may want to consider something different such as the Vivi Nova or Innokin iClear 30. Admittedly the taste produced by different juices in this tank can be a bit muted at times. I have ran several different juices through the tank and , like many people, was forced to make a simple modification to mine to improve both performance and taste. This modification involves removing the head from inside the tank, pulling the post form the middle of the head, removing the top flavor wick, and doing a dry burn (Be sure to rinse your wicks out first and be careful doing this because too much dry burning will pop your coil!) while leaving the post disconnected. After doing this and fully reassembling it the performance has improved massively I must say. Flavor is much more pronounced and the vapor production is noticeably more consistent. Before this modification often times the tank seemed to have trouble keeping up and sometimes produced a somewhat burnt taste, so buyer beware if you aren't willing to do some work to make this the amazing tank it truly has the potential to be. This tank will truly produce massive clouds of vapor with ease and also allow for chain vaping once the modification is completed though.
Buy or Pass?: If you are willing to forgive the fragile 510 connection and modify it slightly this tank is an absolute beast. I would say it is well worth the money you will give for it (usually $13.00 - $22.00 depending on specials). What can I say? I love my Kanger Protank and it is my tank of choice which is why I am using it for all my review.
Thanks for this. Currently using a Vivi Nova and just not as satisfied with it after using a friend's vape.