Monday, July 29, 2013

Pure Vape Indy: Butter Nuts

My review of Pure Vape Indy, Butter Nuts:

Greetings fellow vapers!  This will be my final review out of the six juices I received from Pure Vape Indy.  Today's flavor is called Butter Nuts and while it's not currently available at it should be added soon.

I had no idea what to really expect from this juice.  Seeing as I like the last buttery flavor from this vendor though I was excited to give it a try.

First impressions:  I'd like to give a thanks to Randy from Pure Vape Indy for providing this product for review at no cost.  This juice is a 12mg 70/30 PG,VG mixture.  Butter Nuts has a rich brown color to it and smells almost like Amarreto.  I was definitely looking forward to tasting it based on the smell because let's be honest, Amarreto is delicious.

The Taste:  I was initially hit with a warm butter flavor, nothing like the aforementioned smell.  There is a warm almost butterscotch like taste, but not quite.  Instead it seems to have notes of almond and coffee blended with a light maple undertone.  This is one seriously satisfying vape.  Both complex and rich it is surely not what I was expecting for such a simple name.

Vapor Production:  While not being dense, you couldn't really ask for a better vapor production from a 70/30 mix.  It's warm and mellow with very little throat hit and leaves a nice brown sugar-like smell in the air.

Buy or Pass?:  This is definitely something I could easily vape on quite often and I really have to recommend anyone who likes dark complex flavors to give it a try.  Butter Nuts is truly a masterful blend from Pure Vape Indy and shows just what can be accomplished when a vendor really tries.  At $5.99 for 10ml this is a must buy.

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