Monday, July 29, 2013

Pure Vape Indy: Strawberry Cheesecake

My review of Pure Vape Indy, Strawberry Cheesecake:

Greetings fellow vapers!  Time for yet another review from Pure Vape Indy.  This time I'll be tasting Strawberry Cheesecake available at .

I love eating strawberry cheesecake so I had really high hopes for this juice when I received it.

First impressions:  I'd like to give a thanks to Randy from Pure Vape Indy for providing this product for review at no cost.  This juice is a 12mg 70/30 PG,VG mixture.  Strawberry Cheesecake has a light pink coloration and smells of sweet strawberry, but not fresh strawberry.  The smell is more akin to the strawberry syrup commonly used with Cheesecake.

The Taste:  First I will start out with what I liked about the taste.  The strawberry flavor of the draw is definitely tasty, smooth, and spot on for what I would expect to be on/in a cheesecake.  It was rich and satisfyingly sweet.  Unfortunately the cheesecake flavoring did not live up to the same standard for my pallet.  Honestly, while having a light cream cheese taste to it, it just somehow managed to miss the mark.  Perhaps I am just not a fan of a cheesecake vapor?  Whatever it was I just really didn't personally enjoy the flavor.  I really wanted to like this juice for it's great strawberry flavor, but the cheesecake portion just fell short and left me wanting.  Taste is subjective though so your experience may greatly differ from mine.

Vapor Production:  As with all the other juices I've tried from Pure Vape Indy the vapor production was nice, smooth, and plentiful.  The clouds were not dense, but definitely plenty and left a nice sweet smell of strawberry in the air.  Strawberry Cheesecake had little to no throat hit.

Buy or Pass?:  Maybe it wasn't for me, but that isn't to say it's a bad juice.  I had my girlfriend try it as well and she happened to like it.  That being said, I can still confirm it is a quality product at the price of $5.99 for 10ml and you should give it a try and judge it for yourself.

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